This calculator gives you information on the zero and span adjustability of transducers with the voltage conditioner electrical output feature. To use this calculator:
- Determine which OUTPUT you require according to columns A, B, and C.
- Complete the INPUT column variables corresponding to the output you require and press the Calculate button for the column of interest.
- Note: "unit displacement" can be inches, mm, °, or other units of displacement.
Unit of Measure
zero control
0 to 100
% of span
max voltage span for transducer's displacement (actual)
0.889 |
min voltage span for transducer's displacement (actual)
0.356 |
max sensitivity
0.222 |
V/unit displacement
min sensitivity
0.089 |
V/unit displacement
max transducer's range (design)
unit displacement
min power supply voltage required
For the variables shown in column A above, below are examples of the voltage conditioner's output flexibility.
The voltage span can be varied from minimum to maximum or anywhere in between and is user-settable.
single-ended, maximum span
0 to 0.889 VDC
single-ended, minimum span
0 to 0.356 VDC
differential, maximum span
-0.444 to 0.444 VDC
differential, minimum span
-0.178 to 0.178 VDC
single-ended, zero control at 100% of range
-0.889 to 0 VDC

voltage conditioner block diagram
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